Se7e Pedras is one of the many cute little restaurants in Faro.
Big bang for the buck. One of the main reasons why I say it is highly recommended to stay in Faro.
I have been compulsively listening to Nicki Minaj since June, simply because we were dancing Shanghai in DFLOW - so I took the chance, to download the whole album on iTunes. I am now a big fan of her Minajesty.
While you may associate her with Anaconda, pink wigs and a big butt, she is a lot more - both as a musician and as a human. Pinkprint is packed of relatable humble inspiring beautiful songs. It was written while she breaking up with her long time boyfriend Safaree Samuels. Nicki used the album as an opportunity to deal with and leave the pain behind "I didn’t want to make an album that was just being fake-happy: I wanted to deal with it, and leave it, and move on, and be real-happy." as she also put it at some point "brokenness leads to beautiful art sometimes and it's OK as long as it inspires people".
Thanks Nicki for being open about it. I am one of the many inspired by your art. Lyrics like Grand Piano or The Crying Game are so real and supportive. Highly recommended to any of you is going through some tough time in life.
Life is too short, don't waste it crying over spilled milk. Start with the man in the mirror, asking him to change his ways. Deal with it, man. Solve it or accept it. Move on. To a new phase in the relationship or a new phase in life (alone).
Se acerca el Puente del Pilar, seguro que hay quien anda buscando destino a última hora, así que os propongo el Algarve.
El Algarve es la region sur de Portugal y recibe su nombre de los Árabes「غرب الأندلس」que lo denominaron "el occidente de Al-Andalus". Se ha convertido en una zona muy popular, por ofrecer una mezcla bastante atractiva de playas, acantilados, buena gastronomía e historia, en los muchos pueblecitos que ocupan la costa. Pese a que siento bastante aversión por los típicos destinos turísticos, acepté pasar unos días de descanso allí - aprovechando el puente de la Virgen de Agosto - que irónicamente se han convertido, junto a la semana en Tokyo, en mis únicas vacaciones en lo que va de año.