Party braids
Isabel Marant Tokyo
イザベル マラン
Fashion Night Out
The best thing about living in Tokyo, is to be just a short walk from the fashion heart in Shibuya, Omotesando and Harajuku (Jingumae). Daikanyama may be the dream hood for cool fashionistas, but I never miss the chance for a stroll around Omotesando and the Harajuku backstreets. So with this view, let me kick off the Fashion Night Out warm-up!
Pink Orchid
Dannijo Jewelry
Having lost my fav earring in my friend's wedding :( I wanted to get some replacement, to be able to wear the matching bracelet again as a set. So here comes some Dannijo Crystal Magic, called Radley.
Vogue UK loves them too :P
Comiket, the otaku event.
Hoy damos una vuelta por Comiket, el mayor evento de manga y cosplay de Japón.
Enoshima (江ノ島) Beach Party
Party Playerz, Sunday 16:00.
Yukata shopping guide.
So you made it to Japan. Summertime. Hot, humid and filled with firework events. Either as souvenir (or as a way to merge with the locals in the 花火大会 (hanabitaikai or firework viewing) you would like to buy a kimono. So here's some advice to find a suitable item without wasting too much money or time on it.
First thing first. Kimonos are for very formal events, probably only japanese people are able to dress them correctly, as they consist if numerous pieces which aren't easy to assemble. Learn this word "yukata" which is the name of the summer version of this traditional attire, much more recommendable for the foreign wearer.
Secondly, where to buy it? These aren't cheap. So don't go for traditional kimono stores (or souvenir places) unless you want something utterly expensive or a fake copy made in China. Check the second hand stores in Harujuku. You won't regret!
Japanese Fireworks (花火大会)
Teenagers wearing Yukata (or summer kimono) in Odaiba's Firework event, August 11th.
Spanish Fashion - Pablo De La Torre
Reaching my hometown from pretty much anywhere, usually implies going through Madrid. Which isn't at all a bad thing, considering how much I love the city as well as the numerous friends who live there. So out of coincidence, I ended up spending a magical afternoon in the creator's paradise aka Pablo's Studio.
The good thing with the crisis (if anything) is that it initially conveys a clean-up of useless companies, goods and eventually, unefficient personnel. Which is good, as only "the worth" remain. Reason why, I see Pablo's establishment as his own brand (he started in Loewe Man, but felt he wanted to do something on his own; then created Bohento, together with a friend; but just like any other genius, also wanted to develop his ideas alone - like Tom Ford did a while ago).
In his website, you can check the items for each season's collection. These are found in selected sale points, but sometimes, you can also contact him, for a one-to-one deal. On top of that, for those of you interested on the luxury experience of having something hand-made just for you, he also makes dresses on request. A visit to his studio is the perfect metaphor of all things Pablo. Clean, barroque, minimalist at the same time. Feminine and timeless as it is characteristic of good design.
Find these gorgeous pieces (good as wedding guest as much as for everyday style of the business woman) in Madrid, Zaragoza and Almería, you won't regret it!
My own experience: I got the dress for a wedding with my husband's family. It caused a lot of chit-chat, because of being so different, but at the same time so classic. Rich in detail, form fitting but classy. I plan to wear it for my next super special event (wedding in Japan) so the ladies around start to buy overseas :P
Mount Fuji
Qué montaña decora el tren de vuelta a casa?
Las experiencias límite nos enseñan mucho acerca de nosotros mismos. Estás acompañado, a la vez que solo. Escuchas el latir de un corazón acelerado, mientras tu cerebro te proyecta como en tercera persona.
No soy miedosa, sólo consciente de mis posibilidades. Me gustan los retos, luchar contra mí misma. Porque a fin de cuentas, soy yo y mi circunstancia. Las comparaciones con los demás son tóxicas, pues todos empezamos en distintos puntos, así que lo único importante es avanzar en tu propio camino, sin mirar a los lados, centrado en tu destino.
Creo que todo en esta vida, es como Magnus dice que son los saltos mortales: Convencerte de que eres capaz es la premisa para conseguirlo. Supongo que es fácil vencer tus inseguridades cuando unos ojos sinceros, te dicen sin palabras que eres capaz. Supongo que es difícil expresar lo que te agradezco el enseñarme a creer en mí.
Una mirada verde de esas... Vale mil "te quiero". Suerte la mía, de despertar frente a ella cada día.
Omiyage - Kansai International Airport, Osaka.
Los 名物 (meibutsu) son los productos típicos de cada región del total que constituye ese conglomerado que es Japón. Dulces o salados, representan lo mejor de cada zona.
Dado que no siempre todo el mundo puede viajar, el おみやげ (omiyage) constituye la forma en la que el que se largó de vacaciones expresa su gratitud hacia sus colegas, que se quedaron pringando en el trabajo. De ahí que la venta de omiyage sea un negocio TAN grande en Japón.
Las cajas pueden costar desde 1000¥ (10€) hasta todo lo que te quieras gastar, dependiendo de lo selecta que sea la tienda en la que te hagas con ellos. Pero yo diría que el precio más típico viene siendo unos 15€ por una caja relativamente grande, de productos dulces o salados.
El お好み焼き (okonomiyaki) es el otro clásico de Osaka. Como es bastante difícil de reproducir en take-away form se han inventado estos crackers, que al menos, clavan el sabor.
Es muy chulo, porque obliga al avión a girar de manera que se ven todas las islas de esta zona, además de que al aterrizar parece que vas a caer sobre agua :D
Me parto con que haya un pueblo llamado Takamatsu (como mi compañero) en Kansai (región de la que proviene su esposa) pues siempre anda bromeando acerca de lo burricos que son por el Sur!! Parece estúpido, pero tengo ganas de verlos a todos :D