How could I resist gettin' out for some breakfast under the sun? 16C?! And a heavenly view of...
... pretty Tokyo waking up!!!
Man. I'm so happy I'm gonna explode!!! My pretty sweety Stina will come in January, to stay a week with us!! Awwwww wanna hug her so hard she'll die :D
To all of you who said "we'll come to visit" please note that winter, fall, spring are recommended to do that. If you like wet warmth and heavy rain that never ends, please, do book during summertime.
She found cheap ones!! With Finnair!! Smart girl :)
Welcome baby!!!
Enrique is FINALLY coming back on Friday and we got our vacations approved!!! YAY!!!
Trying to find plane tickets at this point is rather hopeless - think 100 million japanese having vacation AT THE SAME time - still we'll pay whatever it takea, as you never know, maybe you don't get any other chance - más vale pájaro en mano...
Anyway. As learnt from Dani "smile to life, if you want it to smile back!"
All of you night owls... Good night!!!
Para cuando las tienes?
Y donde planeais iros?
Q bien q ya recibirás visita de tu amiga ...
Y en na me veo a tu mami, q con lo viajera q es, seguro q te visita pronto.
Del 29 Diciembre al 9 de Enero. Está todo carísimo, así que no sabemos muy bien a donde tirar... Ganas de que enga Stina tengo muchas, pero de que venga mamá, más aún.
Va a ser una experiencia increible para ella, descubrir Asia y viajar taaasn lejos por primera vez en su vida!!!
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