Still stuck on the Sixty SpA project, now with the Branded Energizers, like the Sixty Hotel quoting myself...
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naugurated in Riccione, 2006, the hotel is the first of a chain, the ultimate “artistic, design and fashion experience!”[1]. Pushing out the envelope, the hotel goes beyond its walls and brings life to the brand experience, enhancing clarity of the message and energy for the brands, creating new customer touch-points, to develop loyalty by actual lifestyle branding. However, products are also sold inside, a cost-effective short-term revenue generating alternative which might lead to negative spillover effects on the customer’s perception of brand honesty, damaging the loyalty development process. It might be wiser just to build brand experience within its walls and let the brand drive the customer afterwards: “Brand from the shelf, start by building loyalty and let the shopper chose you” [8]
The co-branded initiative is the constellation 30 young emerging artists’ work from all around the world, a physical statement of the brand identity of the Fashion Brands (see section 2.1): Premium – **** top class services, personal - 70s stylized, innovation – via the “ever-changing façade, a screen for video projections”3.
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