I actually L O V E D the interiorism. It felt relaxing and arty, no loud music but books spread around, simple price tags underneath the soles, no logos whatsoever apart from a shiny red Zaha Hadid and a jeanish Lanvin.

Having tried all the flat sandals in the shop:

But still the rubber on the ankle didn't look that lovely when worn.
So it was clear that spring comes in lilac at least for me. Extremely comfortable while a bit too closed, hope they hug my ankles as they deserve along the walks I love - around 10-20km!
The nicest came while paying, just when I mentioned how awesome did my delicate feet feel in them the assistant smiled, telling me that how great it to hear that feedback. Seems that the guys on the workshop had struggled to get gentler soles than last year's and since they have direct contact with them, she'll forward my ratification.
What a long story! I just wanted to highlight how right to the point it is this strategy. Collecting customer's perceptions, to make the most out of them, as a feedback for product improvements is a lesson to be learnt by many unsuccessful - or not as shiny as they could - businesses.
He llegado tarde porque a mi me gustaban más las naranjas. Me parece q una sandalia plana tan cerrada acorta peligrosamente la pierna, aunque tú con lo delgadita q estás no tienes problemas con eso.
Soy la q te comenta q me gusta leerte pq me apasiona tu tesón :P, y llevaba un tiempo sin hacerlo, hasta q me acabo de acordar, y tras mirar tus ultimas actualizaciones te digo q me alegro de verte así, tan positiva.
Yo estoy terminando un pfc odioso, y a veces me ayuda ver la fuerza de voluntad que tienes... como sacas las cosas adelante y además te mantienes delgada, pq aunq parezca una tontería, es un tema q a mi me emparanoia ahora. Tener q estar mil horas al día estudiando sin tiempo para hacer ejercicio.
Un beso desde Madrid.
Me encantan las negras.
Mil besos desde tu isla!
Desconozco si la marca Acne se comercializa en España o no, pero tengo que comentar que el nombre sería un poco desafortunado.
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