Sometime ago, I got the opportunity to attend an interesting seminar given by a former Sony Ericsson employee who taught us pretty much everything one needs to know about mobile phone antennas.
It was specially surprising to hear that the case is actually the responsible of most of the radiation and, to realize that, no phone could ever have a complete metallic back - because that would cancel the electromagnetic field required for the communication to take place.
Like many of you - I guess - I totally freaked out when I saw the iPad for the first time:
- They did it! {shouted A VERY EXCITED Enrique, as I walked pass the entrance door}
- Shit! Just started following Gizmodo's twitter to see what happened... But missed the key tweets because of buying groceries ;D But... Let me see!!
Super nice.
Aluminium back, as I'd dreamt the iPhone would get one day. Running the biggerIphoneStuff we all expected. No flash, though... But a FULL metallic case that made me think: How on the hell did these guys to make the antennas work through that? Can Apple really break the laws of physics?
Actually. They didn't.
Friday means after-dinner free time to investigate these things one feels curious about. So guys, hold your horses, because if you're already dreaming with a 3G model, you should start thinking of the backBlackStripe... Not so cool, but required.
claudia, cómo consigues que las fotos te queden de ese tamaño?, son más grandes que las del diseño clásico de un blog normal, no?... y en general, has podido modificar los márgenes de alguna forma? tienes poco "blanco" y mucho contenido, y yo no consigo hacerlo con el mio!
Un besote y gracias
Me alegra que te hayas dado cuenta :P
Las fotos las subo primero a la red (photobucket) y luego, las añado mediante el link HTML.
Respecto al diseño, simplemente he modificado directamente la plantilla. No sé cómo andas de HTML/CSS, pero se trata de jugar con los anchos, float, márgenes, tipos, paletas a.s.o. hasta que te convenza!
Me alegra de que te guste!
Buscando a huevo en el google (modify blog template) he encontrado http://coding-passion.blogspot.com/2009/01/modifying-blogger-template-resizing.html puede que te ayude!
Tú sí que eres un sol, y no el que teneis por allí arriba. Mil gracias :)
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