Rule of thumb - as daylight becomes shorter, working hours turn longer.
It hurts to betray yourself. That time when you realize to have let go what you wanted to do just to stay that extra hour. 30 minutes won't make any substantial progress in your task though missing that Yoga Class with Viktor will actually hurt a lot more increase your stress levels considerably and probably harm your performance the day after.
Anyway. Two 10+h days, the never ending sciatic pain as well as falling asleep in anxiety tears are enough to learn the lesson. At least, it will not happen the next time.
I'm naturally ambitious. However, after all my health issues, I started to give higher value to other things. Such as exercise and well, time to release myself.
Balance is key.
For happiness. For performance on all areas. For any success in life. Not only do we need to rest, move and eat but also to take care of our responsibilities without forgetting to do things that make us feel good. I know. It's tough. But we all need to find it. Regardless what it is. That what let us release stress. Just to come back relaxed, smiling and sharing calm with our beloved ones.
I'm lucky enough to live with my boo but cannot hide how much I miss everything I left behind, how scared am I of time having moved so fast. Today is well, my 4th anniversary in Sweden. 18th August, 2006. I landed here without a remote idea of what was about to begin.
I don't regret, just keep going. Sometimes looking back and never forgetting where I came from. Yes, I might be on the verge of nationalizing me Swedish - as soon as the government allows me to - because I feel this country as a strong part of who I am now. But, I will never put away where my origin is.
As someone doing Ramadan told me today: I'm not fasting for religious purposes, just to remind myself where I came from and how lucky I am because of the life I can enjoy now.
Food for thought. Good night.
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