Dagen före Midsommarafton, körde mamma och mig en promenad runt vårt smulltrömställe, kolonilottsområde nära Tantolunden. Under den spannande kvällsolen, gick vi runt och tänkte på hur det måste vara att fira Midsommar där i gården, med hela familjen. För att sista gång vi var liksom "alla tillsammans" var just där, mitt i Södermalm.
If you are on business (or pleasure) trip to Stockholm, I would strongly recommend to stay in Södermalm. i have no idea about the hotels, but can tell for a fact that the neighborhood is the coolest in Scandinavia. all the pretty hip girls, all the hot guys, the families, the homeless, the sporty and the lazy, find a spot to enjoy under the sun. Tantolunden is a really extense park - (T) Skanstull - becomes the link between sea, engångsgrill and all those magic things that only happen during the short yet gorgeous summertime.
I happend to be in town (thanks to my job) and got a lucky chance to receive a visit from my mum. That person I miss the most, during this time in Japan. Even though I was never in Spain, we used to talk everyday (thanks to being in the same timezone) now, work is busier and the 8h delta don't help but still, we do our best to stick together.
So if you are planning to visit in summer, just don't miss a bbq under the sun! It's fairly simple. You buy an engångsgrill in the supermarket, bring a lighter, some meat, a blanket and friends. When done, clean up and drop the engångsgrill in the red paperbin (which is dedicated for them, as they contain flammable material). Then, just walk towards the hill where all the little cute houses are. These are called kolonilott owned by people who like gardening but don't plan to make a business out of it. On early mornings, it's easy to see the retired and the dedicated watering, chopping and why not, drinking some coffee.
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