The first sunny day, after several with heavy snow, makes the wait for spring feel quite long...
But this grease-inspired look makes the cold feel a bit warmer. A pink flare skirt is quite high on the cute scale. Paired with black and a formal shirt, suits my widowness a bit better.

Oh the Tokyo Tower.
Rilakkuma 「リラックマ 」is my favorite character. It's the epitome of kawaiiness and non-sense, at the same time. It was created for merchandising, eventually resulted in some anime (just the opposite as anyone would expect, but hey, that's where his greatness is). He goes around with Korilakkuma 「子リラックマ 」and Kiirotorii 「黄色鳥」, the white teddy & the tiny beard, eating cake, ice-cream & hanging out, relaxing (where his name comes from, relax).
Rilakkuma reminds me of Murakami's work. Maybe known by his Vuitton collaboration, Takashi Murakami is a Japanese artist who started the Superflat art movement. This theory revolves around the legacy of flat, 2-dimensional imagery, which has existed throughout Japanese art history and continues today in manga and anime. This style differentiates itself from the western in its emphasis on surface and use of flat planes of color. Superflat is, according to Murakami, a metaphor of the post-war Japanese society in which, differences in social class and popular taste have ‘flattened,’ producing a culture with little distinction between ‘high’ and ‘low’.
Somehow, Japan is a world of color surfaces. From TV program backgrounds, through streets, kimonos, guidebooks, malls and super-markets. It's a chaos of color and cuteness, that strikes the foreigner but leaves impassive the local. When you start following a bit more the politics, it's even funnier. Just as if this colorful environment isolated people from reality (secrets law, sexism, Abenomics).
In general, we all tend to abstract ourselves from the things that generate worry or discomfort.
Some watch football, others paint their nails. We try to be happy - we say, we don't even want to know... Sometimes, it'll pay off to get together and react.
Somehow, Japan is a world of color surfaces. From TV program backgrounds, through streets, kimonos, guidebooks, malls and super-markets. It's a chaos of color and cuteness, that strikes the foreigner but leaves impassive the local. When you start following a bit more the politics, it's even funnier. Just as if this colorful environment isolated people from reality (secrets law, sexism, Abenomics).
In general, we all tend to abstract ourselves from the things that generate worry or discomfort.
Some watch football, others paint their nails. We try to be happy - we say, we don't even want to know... Sometimes, it'll pay off to get together and react.
Last time I did my nails, it was a mixture of camo and pastels. Guess that's the right balance for life too. Some fight, many sweet times.

Que montón de post nuevos, me encanta que estés escribiendo tanto en el blog.
Ah, y la falda una locura.
Gracias!!! Siempre va a temporadas, según el tiempo o la inspiración que tienes. En Enero fuimos mucho a esquiar, así que los findes eran bastante ajetreados y sin sitios "fotogénicos" ;)
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