If you liked the post about Japanese Fashion press and would like to know how can you look like Rola, this is the perfect Japanese makeup tutorial for you, Make-magic is a fun book I got, as memory of Japan. It consists on a number of tutorials, letting you look more like celebrities and less like yourself.
Today, we will go through all the secrets of Rola's makeup, the girl who is literally everywhere. From TV through medicines, laser epi and fashion publications.
We start easy, some shadow & under-eye copper, only 1/3 of the eye.
Then put on the false eyelashes & place some golden eye lighter under the eye.
Now it comes the key point of Japanese eyes: The Lame Liner 「ラメライナー」known as glitter eyeliner overseas, makes the inner side of the low lash line shine bright.
For asian girls with mono-lid, putting on some cello tape to make the eye open wider (as shown in 10) and hiding it away (as in 11-12) is another key step for beauty.
Then is time for some eyebrow shadow in weird orange color. Interestingly enough, it is quite common to shave the eyebrows rather short.
Then is time for creating the illusion of a bigger nose. And tadaa!! Just like our beloved Rola「ローラ」.
Just copy their manners and odd voice, to become the most mote of the office (remember to cover the mouth as you munch, keep an odd pitch and play much dumber than you are). For those of you who wonder whether she looks odd, Rola is an expat child (half-Japanese), who grew up in International Schools.
Parece fácil, no? Aunque a mi el eyeliner no me encaja demasiado... siempre parezco un perrete triste con él!.
La clave es el lamé liner!!!
Si te fijas en las revistas y por la calle, TODAS las japonesas usan :D De hecho es bastante smart para iluminar la mirada.
Lo que no me encaja a mí es el eyeliner tan fino, que yo soy más pintor de brocha gorda. Unos 3 meses levo practicando "con el pincelico" todas las mañanas y parece que le voy cogiendo el truco, a ver si os dejo un post con mi kit de guerra :)
Parece hasta fácil pero no se yo si conseguiría maquillarme así, soy bastante patosa para el make up :)
X cierto, me enamoré del bolso de pelitos!!!
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