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The positive spiral

I woke up today… Exhausted.

- Don't look sad sweetheart, today's gonna be a great day! Your sneakers will arrive, your doctor will call and your knees will heal… No, you won't loose all the weight at once, but who cares? Step by step.

He was right.

My doctor called and I told her that pursuing the HRT was NOT an option for me. I'm tired of such extreme treatment for menopausic women. It's too much and likely to cause me cancer on the long run - not exaggerating man, too much estrogen and there it comes. So, we'll switch to Yaz. If all the others can, so do I. Taken the first one, we'll see how it goes.

The sneakers arrived and I went to pick them, right after the appointment with the chiropractor. It was funny. I had been trying to get an appointment with no success, they weren't even picking the phone. But. Around 14:00, she called me, announcing a cancellation with my guy, for 15:15. I was so happy, could do nothing but accept and leave the building med gott om tid. Some needles, massage and squats after, he gave me his diagnose. And fell on me like a rock: Runner's knee. No surgery needed but… You need to: Take it easy. Rest. Do some exercises to strengthen the area. Rest. Walk a bit. Rest. Do general strength training to strengthen the muscles around it.

He put the pink bands on my knees and pointed out how arched my feet were - so it might be a great idea to buy special soles, for added support in the hole.

I don't know. I panicked. Went straight home and started eating. Anxiety dipped on food. It had been a long time since I had a crisis like that. It felt awful. But well, after a while, I realized that it wasn't a drama unless it occurs again. So, now I got a new fight. Walk, strengthen, be patient, don't panic. Everything will be fine, as long as I dream myself healed in all senses.

Dare to dream, make it happen. Kick a positive spiral off and drive you on the right direction.



E. said...

Espero y deseo que lo de tu rodilla pase a la historia con las cintas estas rosas. Lo otro, pasito a pasito. ;)


Clau said...

Hoy he estado entrenando mucho en el gym.

Si no me dejan correr, pues me mataré hasta que se me cure. La verdad es que al principio, tenía una cara de haba que no podía con ella… Pero he terminado recordando mis tiempos mozos y haciendo el pino varias veces. No sé. NUnca tuve la tripa tan dura como cuando bailaba Capoeira, así que he decidido recuperar mis artes perdidas :)

Siempre está bien luchar por algo.

Noelia said...

Hola Claudia, Te sigo en tu blog desde el foro vogue, soy zaragozana como tu pero vivo sólo un poco mas al sur (ironía)...en Málaga, donde pasan el invierno los suecos y no me extraña...porque viendo en mi Iphone la temperatura actual en Estocolmo...miedo me da.
En fin, mi mensaje es para aconsejarte algo sobre tu rodilla, me dedico a la Podologia Deportiva aqui en el Sur y esos probemas de rodilla son muy habituales en corredores, probablemente tengas un problema de pisada que te genere inestabilidades y por eso tienes algo machacada la rodilla. Hazte un estudio de la pisada en algun sitio en Estocolmo y que te hagan unas buenas plantillas personalizadas...y sino siempre te queda la esperanza de escaparte al sol del sur de españa y te las hago yo. Cuidate!

Clau said...

Gracias! Es justo lo que me recomendó mi chiropractor, así que esta tarde, me plantaré allí a ver si es suficiente con unas plantillas prefabricadas o si me las hacen. Mi curandero me dijo qie podían ser caras, como 800:- pero viendo que desgasto los zapatos al mismo ritmo que mis rodillas, puede ser una buena inversión.

La verdad es que malaga tiene que estar invadido, hay Ryanair, Norwegian directo y mucha hambre de sol. Normal. Hoy hemos amanecido a -8C


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