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Todoroki 「等々力渓谷」

Todoroki is accessible from Tokyo. Just a matter of jumping in the Oimachi Line and arriving to an apparently blah neighborhood. It takes a short walk to discover the magic walk along the Tama river discharge channel.

As you know. In Japan, it rains sometimes. And when it does, it actually pours. Therefore, it is very important to have secured ways for the water to escape and prevent floods. We already talked about the Saitama Drainage System which is actually the World's Largest.

Today, we will take a walk along (probably) one of Japan's finest: Welcome to Todoroki.

I get mixed feelings, from looking at these pictures now, as they are from almost 2 years ago.

Enrique was still going around with his Japanese Nex. I couldn't properly read that much Japanese, but I had the hope, the energy to learn. I looked prettier (like 8kg lighter) specially cause I used to be a lot more wishful about the future to come. Sometimes, it feels that in 2 years, I actually grew 10 older.

Learning is a double sided knife. Because to become smarter, first you need to get smashed. Learn about the pity of human beings. The unfair, complicated and unmovable. How adults are just grown up kids, selfish and infantile. How we all fear change, even when it's obviously unavoidable. But out of pain, you grow stronger. Karma is bitch and somehow, you get the refund. And it feels good, to be honest.

"Tough shit" he tells me.
I may have lost the hope in my eyes, but I started to understand what he means with it.
Nothing is black, white. No culture is good, bad. The World is painted in shades of grey. We pick, whichever looks better under a particular light. Sometimes we realize we were wrong, but we learn to live with it.

That's life, huh? Independently of what happens, we adapt. So our happiness level always tends to be "blah".

Cuando miro hacia atrás me entra tanta nostalgia como miedo, de pensar en cuánto tiempo nos quedará?

Vivir en Japón me ha hecho darme cuenta de que soy tremendamente Asiática, en mi manera de afrontar los cambios.

Me entra el pánico, sólo de pensarlo. Volver a Suecia y cambiar mi trabajo actual. Porque hay altibajos, pero en el fondo de mi corazón soy de esos que creen que "más vale pájaro en mano, que pollo en fotografía". Por fin, estoy haciendo aquello con lo que tanto había soñado tiempos atrás. Quizás sea pesimista o insegura, pero me resulta complicado creer que las cosas puedan a ir a mejor.

Miro por la ventana. La luz azul de Roppongi Hills sube y baja, mientras que la Tokyo Tower ilumina la ciudad.
Es mi sueño, hecho realidad. No puedes culparme por aferrarme a lo que tengo. Porque es lo que mejor entiendo, lo que más seguridad me da.

A veces me resulta irónico ver que la persona que más promueve el cambio en los demás, la que se dedica argumentar y psicoanalizar, sea completamente incapaz de cambiar. El miedo me bloquea y quizás, algo en mi cabeza tenga razón.

Porque igual que me fui de España (buscando el cambio deliberadamente), si siento algo tan fuerte, por algo será.

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