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Chanel 67: Excessive

Red lipstick is a girls' night out thing, isn't it? If you ask your man do I look like I'm wearing too much make-up? You know what he's gonna answer. But trust yourself. Get it out. Paired with natural eyes, it can glam any face up (even mine).


Houndstooth nail art is super hot this season. So for New Year, I'm trying some B&W of different kinds. And wearing my new skirt, that matches the down vest that I wore for the movies. It's quite fun set to have. The cloth is very special and has little laser holes in it, giving the checks a couture like feeling. Pretty much like when you got things burnt at the club :P

It's still 9C in Tokyo, so thoughts were to bring these Manolo Blanhik sandals (that have only seen the customer so far) out for a walk. However, I dropped the idea and put in some booties to be able to walk to Omotesando, where I was meant to meet one of the prettiest girls in this city for dinner.

Sometimes it's like I could sit by this window and stare during the whole night. Can you see the little red spots? Those that illuminate the corners of the skyscrapers. They blink in slow pace, as if they were samples of the blood flowing through the big city. 

Tokyo, I love you.



Anonymous said...

Estas impresionante, un acierto el corte de pelo y los labios rojos.
Besos desde Asturias.

Clau said...

La verdad que desde que me empecé a cortar el pelo, no me he arrepentido. Será que me hago mayor, pero como que no me veo ya con melena a la cintura.

Yo creo que cada una puede encontrar un rojo que le encaje :) mi amiga Stina, que es super pálida y rubia, eatá genial con tonos oscuros. Mientras que yo me veo mejor con éste (que dicen que tiene pigmento azulado). Eso sí, para trabajar ni muerta me pongo estos morros!!! Me echan fijo!!

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