When in Rome...
It's not that often, one happens to drop by Bora Bora. So at least, one night in the world famous overwater bungalow, is compulsory. At least it sounded rock logic, when Enrique explained it to me, while securing a room in Maitai - not the most renown or isolated spot, indeed really close to Temanuata - which eventually turned out to be an awesome idea.
The units are well spaced & the sea is illuminated during the night, which creates interesting experiences when coming back from dinner. The light attracts the plancton, which brings little fishes & their predators rather close to your bedroom.
A balcony with a view, zero mosquitoes & big room. Awesome.
It features the coffee table with vision of the water. So you can make sure, every 10s, that yes the sea hasn't moved and your room is one of the cool ones, because this of sleeping over the sea - without annoying movement - is a superior way to roll.
Close up of the coffee table. Which has one single function...
... let people say HELLO from below :D
It's quite obvious why these are SO popular among honeymooners, which in turn make them pricier.
You only live once, they say. Being on this side of the World is my dream coming true. So I gotta enjoy it while it lasts.
Drinks on the sunset & blooms on the garden. Livet leker.
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