My recommendation is that you spend some days in Boracay if and only if you are into kitesurfing. Either you know already or you are interesting on taking a course. Bulabog Beach on the East Coast of Boracay is, together with Bonaire, an excellent place for beginners. The water is very flat, wind is stable and onshore. The only problem are the sea urchins, but provided you got some good booties with rubber sole, you're good.
There are many nice hotels along the beach, We stayed one week at Isla Kitersurfing, all I can provide is good feedback. The hotel is nicely equipped with big rooms, featuring WiFi, aircon and hot water. For pro-kiters, space to store the material is available as well as ropes to dry the neoprene suit, which come in handy for everyone. Kitchen opens early, to suit us taking classes at 8AM and the menu has some foreigner friendly yet yummy breakfasts (think of salmon scramble, müsli, avo toast...) at great value. The environment is peaceful, so you can sleep tight at night.
The only thing to keep in mind is the wind, which will be constantly blowing on your face and the sea, which will flood the beach you need to walk through in order to get to the restaurants on the other side of the island i.e. havaianas are really the ONLY option to wear for dinner.
As the pictures show, this beach is not for swimming or and walking should be considered risky business in the days with good wind - there are kites coming up and down all the time and the ropes can cut you - but is really peaceful environment to disconnect during your holiday and devote time to learn this thrilling yet challenging sport.
Isla Kitesurfing [WEB]
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