Located in Malaga, Atarazanas Market is one of the biggest pleasures of a Saturday in the city. While today's building was finished in 1879, the actual location dates from much earlier, where the Arabs used to have a workshop. Only the pretty marble door remains from those days. And the name, Atarazanas. Which is also Arab.
El Mercado Central de Atarazanas es un mercado municipal en Málaga. El edificio actual, obra del arquitecto Joaquín de Rucoba, se construyó entre 1876 y 1879 en el solar donde estuvo un taller naval de origen nazarí, del que sólo se conserva una puerta de mármol y de donde proviene su nombre; atarazana. Qué suerte vivir en España, comprar fresas de Huelva, mangos de Málaga y atún deshuesado :P
Gorgeous glass.
This is THE PLACE TO BUY FISH. I mean, look at that Tuna, that Swordfish, that Salmon.
Shrimps are not so much of my thing, but these teens are SO FUN to watch.
Tomatoes from Almeria, 1€ per KILOGRAM. Having been living in Sweden and Japan, seeing this quality at such price, man, makes me cry out of joy.
In general, a walk around the market is a lot of fun. The guys on the stalls are always joking and easily give you a small discount.
Spanish butchers' can be a bit gross... Think of skinless rabbits, cow legs and lamb heads. Not for everyone.
The fish is SO FRESH that is hard.
But the Market is not limited to fresh produce. One can also buy adobo (marinated meat), olives, spices a.s.o.
Out of them all, fruit&veg stalls are my favorite. Rainbow-like.
...more fishy yumminess. My Japanese colleagues KNEW OF BARBATE (which is a super tiny fishing village nearby, where some of the best bluefin tunas are caught and shipped by plane to Tsukiji Market, Tokyo)
...isn't this like HEAVEN?
Y vosotros, dónde soléis comprar? (=^ * ^=)
Aquí en León es una fiesta el mercado de la fruta del sábado (que tiene de todo pero yo le llamo así). Como huele toda la plaza, una maravilla!
Verdad!! Son lo mas los mercados :D me encantannn
Qué pasada de mercado!!
Te puedo preguntar con qué cámara haces las fotos? Salen genial!!!
Es una Sony A7 con un Voiglander y una Nikon (no me acuerdo muy bien de las distancias focales) pero todas de enfoque manual :)
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